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Skills & Occupations

There's always more than are on these lists but feel free to refer here if you need a hand. If you have an idea that's not on here it's probably totally welcome, just ask! It might even get added to help more players in the future!

Sample Skills & Occupations: Welcome

Skills & Occupations

There's always more than are on these lists but feel free to refer here if you need a hand. If you have an idea that's not on here it's probably totally welcome, just ask! It might even get added to help more players in the future!

Jinxed Power Concepts

Typically Jinxed powers fall under a category and then a subcategory. The higher up the ‘chain’, the more obvious it is that they’re Jinxed and the less technology they can use or equip without frying it.


i.e. A Jinxed that can summon a tiny flame on the tip of their finger can receive Augments, but one that can control anything with a consciousness might fry a computer at a touch.


Stronger Jinxed also tend to have shorter lifespans, and their gifts harder to control.


The categories and subcategories below are by no means comprehensive, but if you’re lost, this is a good place to start.


Category: Elementalist

  • Fire/Heat, Water/Ice, Earth, Air, Electricity, etc.

    • Subcategory: Creator (Produce a small quantity of their chosen element)

    • Subcategory: Controller (Manipulate already-present elements)

Category: Mentalist

  • Subcategory: Kinetic (Motion or manipulation)

    • Photokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Shielding (Mental or Physical, Self or Others), Levitation, etc.

  • Subcategory: Manipulator

    • Detection, Precognition, Persuasion, Telepathy, Animation (Of items, such as triggering a trap from a distance), Illusion,etc.

Category: Manipulator

  • Subcategory: Somatic (Of, or relating to, the body)

    • Superhuman strength, body shifting (limited to that which the human body and face is capable of normally, not full transformation into something else), immunity, increased endurance (reduced need for basic needs), rot (force an item or being to age at an increased rate), etc.

  • Subcategory: Cognitive (Of, or relating to, the mind)

    • Mind-swapping, mind hijacking, induce catatonia, copy power (temporary; replaces the copy power itself), expanded senses, hypnotism, etc.

Sample Skills & Occupations: Homepage_about

Jinxed Power Concepts

Typically Jinxed powers fall under a category and then a subcategory. The higher up the ‘chain’, the more obvious it is that they’re Jinxed and the less technology they can use or equip without frying it.


i.e. A Jinxed that can summon a tiny flame on the tip of their finger can receive Augments, but one that can control anything with a consciousness might fry a computer at a touch.


Stronger Jinxed also tend to have shorter lifespans, and their gifts harder to control.


The categories and subcategories below are by no means comprehensive, but if you’re lost, this is a good place to start.


Category: Elementalist

  • Fire/Heat, Water/Ice, Earth, Air, Electricity, etc.

    • Subcategory: Creator (Produce a small quantity of their chosen element)

    • Subcategory: Controller (Manipulate already-present elements)

Category: Mentalist

  • Subcategory: Kinetic (Motion or manipulation)

    • Photokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Shielding (Mental or Physical, Self or Others), Levitation, etc.

  • Subcategory: Manipulator

    • Detection, Precognition, Persuasion, Telepathy, Animation (Of items, such as triggering a trap from a distance), Illusion,etc.

Category: Manipulator

  • Subcategory: Somatic (Of, or relating to, the body)

    • Superhuman strength, body shifting (limited to that which the human body and face is capable of normally, not full transformation into something else), immunity, increased endurance (reduced need for basic needs), rot (force an item or being to age at an increased rate), etc.

  • Subcategory: Cognitive (Of, or relating to, the mind)

    • Mind-swapping, mind hijacking, induce catatonia, copy power (temporary; replaces the copy power itself), expanded senses, hypnotism, etc.

Types of Augmentations

[Augs Coming Soon!]

Sample Skills & Occupations: Homepage_about

Types of Augmentations

[Augs Coming Soon!]

Human Skills

This list is by no means comprehensive, but it's a good place to start. While Spawn are not barred from these skills, they may not find them necessary. If you'd like to keep it simple, you can also rank your skill level as Simple, Moderate, or Complex. Simple you know the basics. Moderate you're good enough to put it on a resume. Complex you're good enough to charge for it.

  • Science

    • First Aid

    • Augmentation (Attaching/Installing)

    • Pharmacology

    • Bio-Engineering

    • General Medicine

    • Specialized Medicine (Surgeon, Dentist, etc.)

    • Programming/Hacking

  • Mechanic

    • Augmentation (Crafting/Repair/Modification/Design)

    • Robotics

    • Vehicles (C/R/M/D)

    • Skimboards (C/R/M/D)

  • Arms (Ranged)

    • Pistols, Small Arms

    • Rifles (Sniper or otherwise)

    • SMG

    • Shotgun

    • Plasma/Laser Weapons

    • Etc.

  • Arms (Close Combat)

    • Taser

    • Knuckle Dusters

    • Pneumatic Fist

    • Swords

    • Electrified Swords

    • Bat/Pipe/Etc.

  • Talents/Skills

    • Skimboarding

    • Lockpicking

    • Scavenging

    • Cooking

    • Free-Running/Parkour

    • Sewing

    • Disguise

    • Arts (Dance, Painting, Etc.)

    • Herbalism

    • Investigation

    • Tracking

    • etc.

Sample Skills & Occupations: Homepage_about

Human Skills

This list is by no means comprehensive, but it's a good place to start. While Spawn are not barred from these skills, they may not find them necessary. If you'd like to keep it simple, you can also rank your skill level as Simple, Moderate, or Complex. Simple you know the basics. Moderate you're good enough to put it on a resume. Complex you're good enough to charge for it.

  • Science

    • First Aid

    • Augmentation (Attaching/Installing)

    • Pharmacology

    • Bio-Engineering

    • General Medicine

    • Specialized Medicine (Surgeon, Dentist, etc.)

    • Programming/Hacking

  • Mechanic

    • Augmentation (Crafting/Repair/Modification/Design)

    • Robotics

    • Vehicles (C/R/M/D)

    • Skimboards (C/R/M/D)

  • Arms (Ranged)

    • Pistols, Small Arms

    • Rifles (Sniper or otherwise)

    • SMG

    • Shotgun

    • Plasma/Laser Weapons

    • Etc.

  • Arms (Close Combat)

    • Taser

    • Knuckle Dusters

    • Pneumatic Fist

    • Swords

    • Electrified Swords

    • Bat/Pipe/Etc.

  • Talents/Skills

    • Skimboarding

    • Lockpicking

    • Scavenging

    • Cooking

    • Free-Running/Parkour

    • Sewing

    • Disguise

    • Arts (Dance, Painting, Etc.)

    • Herbalism

    • Investigation

    • Tracking

    • etc.

Spawn Skills

This list is by no means comprehensive, but it's a good place to start. Humans will typically find no need for these skills.

  • Digging OR Scaling -- Spawn typically have a preference as to whether they are earthbound or prefer to expand upward. Subterranean Spawn do better in the dark and have better infrared sense. Their paws tend to be thicker, and their skin more sensitive to changes in their environment. Spawn that prefer to Scale (climbing either rock or tree) have thicker skins to better weather the weather and more dexterous digits. 

  • Terraforming -- Not all Spawn will put this to use. This skill is usually carried by Diggers and is much like standard farming in that it is caring for plants and manipulating their surroundings to grow the desired product. Spawn with a knack for terraforming are also adept at identifying poisons without being poisoned themselves, as they taste the soil to determine what nutrients their plants need. Realistically a Terraforming Spawn could be an excellent chef if they were so inclined, able to determine even trace amounts of the substances that comprise a mouthful.

  • Hunting -- This is usually a skill cultivated by Scalers. A Hunter does not usually Terraform, and vice versa. Hunters have a wider range of hearing than Terraformers, and sometimes their infrared sight can even expand into the 'standard' range of vision, albeit with minimal color. Hunters are usually faster, and have stronger jaws and claws.

  • Scavenging -- Scavengers have a better sense of smell than other Spawn. Any type of Spawn can dabble in Scavenging, though few make a profession of it. Of those who do choose it as something of a 'career', they are often Re-Spawn who form loose connections with black market dealers in the city running goods that Ravengers might otherwise charge more for.

  • English (Minor) -- While any Spawn can learn it, Re-Spawn are usually the only ones who do. Still their mouths aren't quite capable of making the same sounds, and they're often limited to short phrases or singular words. Still if you need someone to duck a trap, howling 'DUCK' still works great.

  • Bioluminescent Communication -- A relatively uncommon skill, it is nevertheless a language of its own much like sign language. In fact Spawn that are incapable of the full range of speech and/or hearing are usually at least passingly decent at it. It is also a useful talent for mixed hunting parties of Spawn and Human, especially at a distance. While there's a common syntax, some signals can simply be agreed upon between the Bio Communicator and the person they are 'speaking' to (i.e. one flash for yes, two for no, left arm to go left, right arm for right, giant glaring flare for danger)

  • Pleasant -- Re-Spawn only. While their former human lives might be behind them, many Re-Spawn still retain memories, customs, and habits from their old lives. In conjunction with Minor English, these Spawn get along better with humans than most, and can even emit soothing frequencies that keep their two-legged company calm.

Sample Skills & Occupations: Homepage_about

Spawn Skills

This list is by no means comprehensive, but it's a good place to start. Humans will typically find no need for these skills.

  • Digging OR Scaling -- Spawn typically have a preference as to whether they are earthbound or prefer to expand upward. Subterranean Spawn do better in the dark and have better infrared sense. Their paws tend to be thicker, and their skin more sensitive to changes in their environment. Spawn that prefer to Scale (climbing either rock or tree) have thicker skins to better weather the weather and more dexterous digits. 

  • Terraforming -- Not all Spawn will put this to use. This skill is usually carried by Diggers and is much like standard farming in that it is caring for plants and manipulating their surroundings to grow the desired product. Spawn with a knack for terraforming are also adept at identifying poisons without being poisoned themselves, as they taste the soil to determine what nutrients their plants need. Realistically a Terraforming Spawn could be an excellent chef if they were so inclined, able to determine even trace amounts of the substances that comprise a mouthful.

  • Hunting -- This is usually a skill cultivated by Scalers. A Hunter does not usually Terraform, and vice versa. Hunters have a wider range of hearing than Terraformers, and sometimes their infrared sight can even expand into the 'standard' range of vision, albeit with minimal color. Hunters are usually faster, and have stronger jaws and claws.

  • Scavenging -- Scavengers have a better sense of smell than other Spawn. Any type of Spawn can dabble in Scavenging, though few make a profession of it. Of those who do choose it as something of a 'career', they are often Re-Spawn who form loose connections with black market dealers in the city running goods that Ravengers might otherwise charge more for.

  • English (Minor) -- While any Spawn can learn it, Re-Spawn are usually the only ones who do. Still their mouths aren't quite capable of making the same sounds, and they're often limited to short phrases or singular words. Still if you need someone to duck a trap, howling 'DUCK' still works great.

  • Bioluminescent Communication -- A relatively uncommon skill, it is nevertheless a language of its own much like sign language. In fact Spawn that are incapable of the full range of speech and/or hearing are usually at least passingly decent at it. It is also a useful talent for mixed hunting parties of Spawn and Human, especially at a distance. While there's a common syntax, some signals can simply be agreed upon between the Bio Communicator and the person they are 'speaking' to (i.e. one flash for yes, two for no, left arm to go left, right arm for right, giant glaring flare for danger)

  • Pleasant -- Re-Spawn only. While their former human lives might be behind them, many Re-Spawn still retain memories, customs, and habits from their old lives. In conjunction with Minor English, these Spawn get along better with humans than most, and can even emit soothing frequencies that keep their two-legged company calm.


This list is by no means comprehensive, but these are some of the larger industries and common careers that a resident of Terminus might choose.

Hunter -- In addition to Ravenger, by and large one of the most widely chosen occupations. While some food is produced in the city, there's still a need for hunted animals for their fat, bone, and meat. Hunters often occupy Travelers, Ambassadors, and Supply Runs as protection, scouts, and a strong hand. Beyond this, Hunters can carry weapons in the city as long as they can readily produce their medallion, and so they're often chosen as bouncers and bodyguards.


Ravenger -- A portmanteau of Resource Scavenger. While they're supposed to be composed of researchers who are well-informed on the nature of fauna both new and old out in the world, as well as metals and other materials that are worth collecting, the tradeable nature of the tokens means that just about anyone can become one. They're the only ones allowed to bring plant matter, machinery, and more in and out of the city. Importing and Exporting requires at least one (1) Ravenger to be held accountable for the trade caravan's contents. If someone fucks up and a cog wheel is missing, it's on the head of the Ravenger responsible for it.


Scavenger -- Found throughout the city, Scavengers dig through abandoned buildings, scrap heaps, and more for anything worth selling. Some scavengers are employed by black market dealers for their sharp eyes and adeptness at evading arrest.


Bio-Engineer -- A physician (or other enterprising individual) who uses chemicals, surgery, radiation, and other materials to modify the human body. Other types of Bio-Engineers major in botany, and focus on the growth and maintenance of flora.


Augment Engineer -- A physician (or other enterprising individual) who uses mechanical and cybernetic components to modify the human body. Some AEs design their own Augments in conjunction with Mechanical Engineers, but many simply use pre-fabricated parts.


Mechanical Engineer -- An individual who crafts, designs, and repairs large-scale mechanisms. Many have their specializations, whether it's vehicles, Augments, or personal robot projects.


Weapons Engineer -- An individual who crafts, designs, and repairs weaponry. They may work with Mechanical Engineers to design weapon augments. Most stick to either long-range or close-quarters weaponry.


WareHead -- An augment enthusiast. WareHeads are often so heavily modified it's easier to just ask them which parts are still human (many pick a side of the body, either left/right or up/down that they like to keep flesh). Almost all of them are engineers in some form or fashion, though their skills are completely specialized towards making new and unusual augmentations. To that end, they're fairly adept programmers, and often turn out to be hackers.


Titian Official -- NAMES TO KNOW: Davis - Terminus Officials Captain

The police force, to include private detectives, standard beat cops, and guards for both Walls and SubGround. These are all officially sanctioned and given proper posts, though there are few in the Nadirs and Outskirts.


Titian Agent -- NAMES TO KNOW: Bradford - Terminus Agents Captain

A hunter or otherwise trained individual in the employ of the Titian Officials. These people are usually in plainclothes and not marked by the orange diamonds, but their countenances are visibly displayed in all DarkNet cafes. Unlike Officials they have no set schedule or beat, but they typically have sections that they frequently haunt. They're a pickpocket's worst nightmare, but many tend to adopt the I'm A Cop way of walking and talking.


Black Market Dealer -- NAMES TO KNOW: Briggs - 'Mafia' Boss

There are a great many things in this world that aren't strictly legal, but surprisingly, that's not the main purpose of the black market. Frankly most 'black market' dealings are to avoid taxes. Or in the case of WareHeads, 'regulations' about how much an item has to be 'tested' before they can sell it on a public market.


Black Market Supplier -- Most suppliers run for Briggs, as other Dealers often go hunting for or craft their own merchandise. Suppliers can come from any species, though many have Ravenger's Tokens or Hunter's Medallions and simply skim off the top. For those willing to work with them and get them through the SubGround safely, Spawn will often work for traded goods (like snacks they enjoy, or a Spawn-friendly augment or weapon) and have no need for tokens or medallions, thus saving precious chips.

Sample Skills & Occupations: Homepage_about


This list is by no means comprehensive, but these are some of the larger industries and common careers that a resident of Terminus might choose.

Hunter -- In addition to Ravenger, by and large one of the most widely chosen occupations. While some food is produced in the city, there's still a need for hunted animals for their fat, bone, and meat. Hunters often occupy Travelers, Ambassadors, and Supply Runs as protection, scouts, and a strong hand. Beyond this, Hunters can carry weapons in the city as long as they can readily produce their medallion, and so they're often chosen as bouncers and bodyguards.


Ravenger -- A portmanteau of Resource Scavenger. While they're supposed to be composed of researchers who are well-informed on the nature of fauna both new and old out in the world, as well as metals and other materials that are worth collecting, the tradeable nature of the tokens means that just about anyone can become one. They're the only ones allowed to bring plant matter, machinery, and more in and out of the city. Importing and Exporting requires at least one (1) Ravenger to be held accountable for the trade caravan's contents. If someone fucks up and a cog wheel is missing, it's on the head of the Ravenger responsible for it.


Scavenger -- Found throughout the city, Scavengers dig through abandoned buildings, scrap heaps, and more for anything worth selling. Some scavengers are employed by black market dealers for their sharp eyes and adeptness at evading arrest.


Bio-Engineer -- A physician (or other enterprising individual) who uses chemicals, surgery, radiation, and other materials to modify the human body. Other types of Bio-Engineers major in botany, and focus on the growth and maintenance of flora.


Augment Engineer -- A physician (or other enterprising individual) who uses mechanical and cybernetic components to modify the human body. Some AEs design their own Augments in conjunction with Mechanical Engineers, but many simply use pre-fabricated parts.


Mechanical Engineer -- An individual who crafts, designs, and repairs large-scale mechanisms. Many have their specializations, whether it's vehicles, Augments, or personal robot projects.


Weapons Engineer -- An individual who crafts, designs, and repairs weaponry. They may work with Mechanical Engineers to design weapon augments. Most stick to either long-range or close-quarters weaponry.


WareHead -- An augment enthusiast. WareHeads are often so heavily modified it's easier to just ask them which parts are still human (many pick a side of the body, either left/right or up/down that they like to keep flesh). Almost all of them are engineers in some form or fashion, though their skills are completely specialized towards making new and unusual augmentations. To that end, they're fairly adept programmers, and often turn out to be hackers.


Titian Official -- NAMES TO KNOW: Davis - Terminus Officials Captain

The police force, to include private detectives, standard beat cops, and guards for both Walls and SubGround. These are all officially sanctioned and given proper posts, though there are few in the Nadirs and Outskirts.


Titian Agent -- NAMES TO KNOW: Bradford - Terminus Agents Captain

A hunter or otherwise trained individual in the employ of the Titian Officials. These people are usually in plainclothes and not marked by the orange diamonds, but their countenances are visibly displayed in all DarkNet cafes. Unlike Officials they have no set schedule or beat, but they typically have sections that they frequently haunt. They're a pickpocket's worst nightmare, but many tend to adopt the I'm A Cop way of walking and talking.


Black Market Dealer -- NAMES TO KNOW: Briggs - 'Mafia' Boss

There are a great many things in this world that aren't strictly legal, but surprisingly, that's not the main purpose of the black market. Frankly most 'black market' dealings are to avoid taxes. Or in the case of WareHeads, 'regulations' about how much an item has to be 'tested' before they can sell it on a public market.


Black Market Supplier -- Most suppliers run for Briggs, as other Dealers often go hunting for or craft their own merchandise. Suppliers can come from any species, though many have Ravenger's Tokens or Hunter's Medallions and simply skim off the top. For those willing to work with them and get them through the SubGround safely, Spawn will often work for traded goods (like snacks they enjoy, or a Spawn-friendly augment or weapon) and have no need for tokens or medallions, thus saving precious chips.

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